Mission sentence:

“A Sacred Heart Historian knows where we come from. They understand how historians study the past and construct accounts, undertaking historical enquiries themselves to learn about the past on a local, national and international scale. They have an appreciation of the complexity of people’s lives, the diversity of societies and develop empathy for others as they discover many reasons why people may behave in the way they do.”



It is our belief that through careful questioning and conducting historical enquiry, our pupils can become curious and critical thinkers who are motivated and enthusiastic to learn about the past. We strive to allow them to develop deep knowledge of local, national and global significant events and individuals, to build their understanding of chronology to them to make connections over periods of time and to recognise changes. Through our spiral curriculum model, we allow our pupils to develop both their substantive and disciplinary skills and knowledge to enable them to be able to embed deep and rich historical knowledge and understanding. The topics we study introduce our pupils to key substantive concepts: power; invasion, settlement and migration; empire; civilisation; trade; beliefs and achievements of humankind.


Opportunities linked to learning:

  • Loughborough walk (Yr1)
  • Battle of Bosworth (Yr4)
  • Loughborough Great Central (Yr6)


Pupil voice:

“I like learning about British History, as well as world History like the Romans. It’s interesting to learn about our local history too, like the Battle of Bosworth. It makes me realise how much life has changed from the past to the present.”



Studying History can lead to undertaking many important jobs, including:

  • Antiques dealer
  • Archaeologist
  • Archivist
  • Auctioneer
  • Conservator
  • Heritage officer
  • Historical writer
  • Land and property valuer
  • Librarian
  • Museum curator
  • Secondary History teacher


    • Visiting Lady Jane Grey’s childhood home at Bradgate Park