Friends of Sacred Heart Need You

Friends of Sacred Heart Association (FOSHA) is the Parents’ Association for Sacred Heart Catholic Voluntary Academy.

FOSHA fundraises throughout the year to further support the school and all of the money raised through our various fundraising events goes directly to benefit the pupils at the school. FOSHA organises the Christmas and Easter fayres each year as well as other events which have included pupil discos, cake sales, quiz nights and the annual Summer BBQ.

Over the years FOSHA has raised money for many items both large and small. This includes an adventure trail, outdoor quiet area, the reception playground, the path and outside classroom, library books and has helped to fund one off themed days, such as the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

Second Hand Uniform can be purchased through the FOSHA team, using the contact information below.

The Fosha committee is made up of parents of pupils currently at the school.
The current commitee is;

Co-Chair, Ruth Cleaver & Lucie McDonnell
Secretary, Amy Nicholson
Shadow Secretary, Ruth Jackson
Treasurer, Stacey Perry
Project Director, Maria Ramshaw
Creative Director, Clare Barker
Shadow Creative Director, Lorraine Crotty
Comms, Jacqueline Harriman, Lorraine Crotty & Hannah Severyn

The commitee is completely reliant on the support of other parents and is helped by parent year representatives attached to each class.

FOSHA is always looking for new ideas and support to help us raise funds. All parents are very welcome to join us for our termly information and planning meetings.

FOSHA can also be contacted in the following ways:

By email:
On facebook: Fosha Loughborough