Pupil Premium Strategy
At Sacred Heart Catholic Voluntary Academy, we believe that all children deserve the very best education no matter what their background; allowing them to reach their full potential and flourish, both academically, and as a whole person. We have the highest expectations of ourselves and our children and we strive to ensure that no pupil is left behind and that every pupil achieves their best. The achievement of our free school meal pupils at Key Stage 2 has been above the national average since 2018.
What is Pupil Premium?
In 2011 the government introduced some funding for schools called Pupil Premium to support the progress of vulnerable groups. The funding is paid directly into the school and the amount received is based on the number of pupils who receive free school meals, children in care and children of parents in the armed forces.
Pupils needs differ and therefore will cost differing amounts to address. Sacred Heart spend the allocated budget in a variety of ways in order to raise pupil learning and ensure benefit to each individual child. We have also put into place the following Ofsted recommendations:
- well-targeted support to improve attendance, behaviour, or links with families where these were barriers to a pupil’s learning
- ensuring support staff (particularly teaching assistants) are highly trained and understand their role in helping pupils to achieve
- allocated their best teachers to teach intervention groups to improve mathematics and English
- involving governors in the decision making and evaluation process.
At Sacred Heart Catholic Voluntary Academy, we use a large part of the funding to employ a teacher to specifically work with pupils who may not be meeting their personal targets and early morning intervention groups. We also use the funding to support the cost of educational visits, including residential visits, so that all children can access the opportunities provided by the school. The Head Teacher and Pupil Premium Specialist share responsibility for planning the funding and seek advice and professional development as needed to maximise the impact of the funding.
Download as required:
Paper copies of all documents are available from the school.
If you feel you may be eligible for free school meals (part of pupil premium) there is a detailed booklet below with more information regarding eligibility and how it could positively affect you child within our school. For additional information please visit:
Free School Meals | Leicestershire County Council or call the Leicestershire Free School Meals Service on 0116 305 5417
Each year our Pupil Premium Strategy is fully reviewed by senior leaders and governors and a new strategy is planned.
Link Governor: Frank Fay
School Leaders: Fiona Keast and Lisa Atkins