
It is important to us that you and your child feels happy, confident and safe when you join our school family at Sacred Heart.

With this in mind, we have developed a robust Induction Programme for our new EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) children. It is designed to ensure that both our children and our parents are very familiar and comfortable with both the school and the staff before your child even begins school in September. This means that when your child officially joins our school family at the end of August, they are able to settle quickly and feel happy in their new school environment.

Details of our Induction Programme

During the Summer Term, prior to starting school the following August, there are several parts of Induction that take place. These are detailed below:
  • Parents are invited to attend an ‘Induction Meeting’ at school to meet SLT and the teaching staff.
  • Foundation Stage staff call or visit pre-school settings to meet the children and their Key Workers.
  • Children and parents are invited to story times with our current EYFS on a Tuesday afternoon at 2.45 with the Headteacher.
  • Children visit school with their Key Workers if they are in a pre-school setting and it is possible for nursery staff to accompany them.
  • Children attend an ‘Induction session’ on their own towards the end of the academic year. Details of this will be given at the parent induction evening and dates are in your welcome letter.
  • Our induction policy is flexible and therefore we can adapt our policy if needed to meet the needs of the children and families.

In the summer term you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s new teacher. During this meeting it would be useful to give the details of your child’s current setting so that we can make contact and begin to get to know a little about them in order to prepare.

In August, the children have 2 half days to introduce them to school life and routines and then will be full time the following week.  It is important to say that if you have any questions, queries or concerns at any point you are most welcome to contact school.

If you would like the opportunity to share more information about your

Helping your child be school ready

PACEY – President and childcare expert, Penny Tassoni explores how you can help your child be “school ready”

School readiness

School Readiness Support Activities